Fields and Waves -- Bonus Design Project

Last Updated 17 December 1996

It is possible to earn a few extra credit points by building a device that launches pieces of paper clips using a disposable flash camera. Below you should find access to a simple figure for this project using ghostscript. You are to design and build a coil that is connected to the wire that leads to the flash tube in the camera. . The number of bonus points you get will be equal to the number of feet the projectile travels in excess of 15. My really cheesy version of this device was able to easily launch a piece of a paper clip 15 feet. You must obtain the camera from me and listen to a tedious explanation of the project and the dangers of dealing with the camera -- it contains a capacitor at 330 volts, I think. Be sure that you have a screw driver or some similar object that will permit you to short out the cap, should your circuit fail with the cap fully charged. For this project, you are not to use any other energy source or energy storage source except the camera flash unit. You are to focus on designing the best possible coil and leave it at that.

Check out the BonusDesign Project diagram.

Please send any comments or questions on this project to Prof. Connor and also check this site on a regular basis to make sure you have up-to-date information.