
Fall '97 Projects archive. Check the "Some lessons learned" part of project 1

Spring '98 Projects archive.

Project 2, Spring '99

Notes for Part 2

Please include your Part 1 report when you turn in Part 2.

How to run frequency sweep on the function generator - option 1

  • Shift FM (square wave button) to get frequency modulation
  • Shift Freq to set the frequency of the FM envelope (a good # is 300 mHz to 1 Hz).
  • Shift Level (Ampl button) to 50 kHz (the frequency sweep range)

    How to run frequency sweep on the function generator - option 2

  • Shift Menu
  • Right arrow key to get sweep menu
  • down arrow to get start f
  • down arrow, then change to 1.35 MHz
  • Enter
  • Shift Recall Menu to set other items in sweep menu

    Notes for Part 1

  • There are 2 things that need to be done for Part 1. The first is a circuit analysis of the lumped line in Fig. 2. The second is the transmission line analysis of Fig. 1. Comments on both are below.

    Circuit Analysis

  • The PSpice circuit is on the studio room server in the folder labeled "proj2_circuit". It is already set up with a load, voltage probes at all the nodes, and AC analysis over the appropriate frequency range. You need to adjust the source amplitude and run the analysis.
  • When the analysis is done, a plot is produced with all probe signals. You can place a cursor on a signal to get numerical values. One trick to using the probes is that they tend to appear in the order you place them. Therefore, its simpler to get numbers by placing the probes in a well-defined order.
  • You need to determine the voltage phase. The probes for this can be found using the "Markers/Advanced Marker" menu.
  • Record values and plot them using any plotting routine (e.g. Matlab, Excel)

    Transmission line analysis

  • Use Equation (72a) from the text.
  • For most of you, Maple will probably be the easiest way to do this part. However, if you prefer to use Matlab, a template called "proj2_template.m" is available. You will have to modify it by coding in Equation (72a), but the plots, etc. are already set up. It is available on the studio room server and in ~crowlt/public/fw1.


  • Although no points will be taken off for separate plots, it is preferable to plot the circuit analysis and transmission line analysis together. If you do this, it is much easier to see small differences in curves and therefore, more easily determine how well theory and experiment agree/disagree.

    Project 1, Spring '99

    Permanent magnet's flux density

    Motor speed list (Accuracy Not Guaranteed). A more up-to-date version will be posted in the studio on Friday afternoon.

  • 116
  • 78.4
  • 67
  • 55.8
  • 45
  • 42
  • 35
  • 33.
  • 30
  • 17.1
  • 17.
  • 14.

    Links mentioned on handout.

    Links mentioned on handout.
  • Background info and construction hints
  • Electronics and Instrumentation Class page
  • More info (Hila projects) Caution: Do NOT clear insulation from all wire as stated in this writeup.
  • Comments from Spring 1995
  • Comments from Fall 1998