Electronic Instrumentation
Attendance and Participation (ENGR-4300)
Last Updated January 2007
Attendance is important in this class. Since most of your assignments are
group assignments, it is unfair to have students who do not attend class and
inherit the grades that the other group members work for. Therefore, we have
many rules regarding attendance.
Attendance is taken at the beginning of class
If you show up late (after 10 minutes), you get a "late". Two
lates add up to one missed class. It is your responsibility to let the
instructor know that you have come in late.
POINTS: Each experiment is comprised of 80 points for the paper and 20
points for attendance. Each experiment generally has three class days
associated with it. If you show up on time for all three days, you get all
20 points. If you show up for 2 of 3 days, you get 10/20 points. If you
show up one day, you get no points for attendance, but you still get a
grade for the experiment. If you do not show up for any of the three days,
you get no grade (0) for the experiment itself. You can make up this
experiment by doing it as an individual during open shop. Each LATE will
cost you 5 points. In addition, if you show up for class, but you do not
participate actively in class, your professor has the option of taking off
POINTS: Each project is comprised of 80 points for the paper and 20 points
for attendance. Each project generally has three class days associated
with it. Points are assigned the same way as they are for experiments.
Classes can be made up during open shop hours. You can make up one class
or two lates in one open shop. You must fill out the following form and have it signed by the instructor or TA on
duty. The class should be made up before the due date for the experiment
or project you wish to apply it to. It is your responsibility to fill out
the form and give it to your instructor. If your professor feels you have
missed too many classes or your group requests it, the other members of
the group will have to sign your make-up form before it can be applied.
Overall Class Participation
Overall Class Participation is worth 5% of your final grade. It is based on
the following criteria:
If you have shown up for all classes, then you get an extra bonus here. If
your attendance is very poor, you pay an additional penalty. If you have
missed and made up many classes, it will count against you.
ASSESSMENT: Your instructor will assess your general performance in terms
of how much you contributed to the work your group was doing during class
- TA
ASSESSMENT: Your TA's will assess your general performance in terms of how
much you contributed to the work your group was doing during class time.
Periodically, you will be asked questions by the staff which we use to
judge how well you understand what is going on. These questions fall into
four categories: circuits (Do you know how to wire and debug a circuit
using the diagram?), equipment (Can you correctly hook the circuit to the
equipment?), theory (Do you understand the theory that was taught in the
lecture?) and software (Can you effectively use the computer tools we use
in the experiments?).
After the completion of each project, we have each student take an on-line
survey in which s/he must rate the contribution of each member of the
group in terms of several criteria. This gives you (in a confidential
manner) a chance to tell us who did the work and who did not.
In this class it often happens that certain students become experts in one
task. For example, one ends up doing all the wiring and another all of the
computer work. Although we realize that this is very efficient, it is the
job of the staff to make sure that you all learn how to wire circuits, use
the equipment, understand the theory and use the computer tools.
Therefore, we are asking you to help us by rotating the tasks and helping
each other learn, rather than specializing. Groups that rotate tasks well
will gain an extra bonus here. Groups that end up highly specialized will
pay an additional penalty.
RULES: The studio has a lot of expensive equipment in it. You are required
to respect this fact by not doing anything that would potentially damage
the equipment. This includes eating and drinking in the classroom. If you
do not follow these rules, you will lose points on your participation
grade. For additional information about studio rules, please see the studio policies page.
MUST BUY AT LEAST ONE KIT (Two are recommended.): If you do not have at
least one kit per group to work with you will at the very least, lose
participation points. If you have an old kit that is complete, you may
substitute this for a second purchased kit. If you are unsure if your kit
is complete enough, ask your instructor.