Comments on Project 2

Last Updated 2 March 1998

Some Comments on Project 2: Most
reports were reasonably good. However, almost everyone failed to answer some of
the questions or failed to include some of the required materials. Please read
over the description of the project and pre-project reports before you write
the ones for project 2. The grades given for this project reflect the spirit of
the work done rather than an exact application of the criteria listed in the
syllabus. The criteria will, however, be applied in the remaining projects. To
help you on specific issues, you will find below a list of comments that were
written on at least some of the reports:
Things That Lost Points
- No
lab materials were included, no personal responsibility statement.
- What
did you learn? What advice do you have?
- Discuss
the difference between the two signals (from the amplifier and the coil).
- Motivate
your noise modeling.
- No
test results. How did you know it worked?
- The
filter should have a cutoff frequency much greater than 20Hz.
- No
calculations of gain or of filter components. There are always some
simple formulas to apply.
- No
Thevenin model of source.
- No
discussion of non-ideal effects.
- Explain
your assumptions.
- Try
to tie together all that you did.
- Missing
calculations or parts of labs.
- Be
specific. Describe clearly what you mean. Use diagrams.
- You
added extra components without explanation.
- Numbers
presented without calculations or explanations.
- Missing
signatures on labs.
Things That Got Extra Points
- Good
discussion of changes in design. Specifically, why changes were made.
- Easy
to understand test results.
- Neat
and organized presentation.