
Last Updated: 3 April 2006
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Homework | Prep | Handouts | Grade Info | Quizzes | Spring 2000 Announcements

Educational Objectives for Fields & Waves I

Class Schedule

The class schedule may be changed as the semester progresses, but the key dates -- quizzes, homework, projects -- will remain the same.

Extra Credit

Up to 20 extra credit points can be earned to make up for missed lecture quizzes, etc. Note that by 1 May, there will be 24 such quizzes, but only 22 will be counted in the final grade. The two major opportunities to obtain these points are described on the course handout page. The first is an extra project (paperclip shooter) for those of you who like to build things. The second is a series of WebCT quizzes, which are a good review for everyone. These activities must be completed by Friday, 5 May. Contact Prof. Connor to test any paperclip launchers. Testing must be completed by Friday afternoon. All WebCT quizzes must be completed by the specified time. Note that the first set of extra credit quizzes posted will be available only for review purposes, although the grades will be recorded. The second set (Extra Credit II) is the one to be graded this term. For those of you who have not noticed, the answers for the first set of extra credit questions are posted with the Spring 2005 Handouts.

Office Hours/Open Shop

Office hours are posted by the names of each instructor or TA

Comments on Projects

See Handouts page.

Beakman's Motor Speeds: 209.2, 186.6, 147, 119, 104, 87.7, 85.2, 85, 83.3, 83.3, 79.7, 75.8, 73.5, 69.4, 69.4, 65, 62.5, 62.5, 60, 55.5, 51.8, 50.2, 50, 47.6, 40, 31.3, 30.5, 25.5, 21.7, 15.5

Comments on Homework & Lecture Quizzes

Homework is assigned on a regular basis. Most assignments are based on the lecture material covered in the classes since the last assignment, but some earlier material is addressed if it is relevant to the present subject. Homework assignments consist of analytic (paper and pencil) problems, computer simulations (primarily with PSpice and Matlab), and experiments (to be completed during the Tuesday meeting time or open shop).

Lecture quizzes are based on the material covered in the specified lecture. The questions tend to be conceptual rather than long and quantitative.

Reading from the Class Notes

Suggested readings from the textbook and classnotes are listed in the Handouts page.


The MathCAD Explorer and the Visual Electromagnetics Workbook we use in class can be downloaded from the web. Please see the bottom of the main Class Information Page under TEXT .

An older but generally better version of PSpice is available through the Projects and Handouts pages

There are many links to useful software and other information in the lecture slides and in the Supplementary Materials Page.


Homework assignments are posted on the Handouts page.


PDF versions of most course handouts will be available on the Handouts page. (Accessible from home page ). You can also access many of them from the course schedule page .

Quiz Grades and Other Grade Info

The following grades provide some guidance in figuring out overall grades for the class since the range of grades for homework, projects and lecture quizzes is much less than for the major quizzes and final exam. You can also look up the distribution of raw grades for each assignment on WebCT.
  1. Quiz 1 grade distribution: A: 84-103; B: 71-83; C: 58-70; D: 50-57
  2. Quiz 2 grade distribution: A: 89-100; B: 77-88; C: 60-76; D: 50-59
  3. Quiz 3 grade distribution: A: 81-100; B: 68-80; C: 48-67; D: 38-47


 Quizzes are scheduled in Amos Eaton 214.

There will be three quizzes during the semester. The Final Exam is on 9 May, from 3-6pm in DCC 318