Reversed Magnetic Shear

Traditional tokamaks' q profile is a monotonic increasing curve from the axis to the edge. Magnetic shear is


which is non-negative every where. In recent years, people have found that tokamaks often show improved confinement when the magnetic shear in the central region is reversed. Reversed magnetic shear represents a major modification of the usual q profile, with a high central q value and non-monotonic q(r) achieved by delibrate modification of plasma start up conditions. See figure 14 for q profiles in traditional and reversed shear plasmas.

Figure 1: q profiles of traditional and reversed shear plasmas

We have to start from Grad-Shafranov equation, bootstrap current before talking about reversed magnetic shear.
Grad-Shafranov Equation
Grad-Shafranov equation is a reduced equilibrium equation for an axisymmetric toroid:


where tex2html_wrap_inline103 is the ploidal flux, R, tex2html_wrap_inline105 and Z form a cylindrical coordinate system based on major axis, p is pressure, tex2html_wrap_inline107 .
The equation is a non-linear second order partial differential equation which in general has to be solved numerically. For derivation of Grad-Shafranov equation and others see [4] Bateman pp.66-70.
20 years ago A. Sykes (Phy. Rev. Lett, 39, pp.759, 1977) used this equation to predict high- tex2html_wrap_inline109 performance of tokamaks before JET was built. Stability against low-n internal modes (fixed boundary problem, n means toroidal number of ups and downs) can be achieved with a hollow current profile and q(0) greater than 1.63. See fig.15(a) for equlibrium diagram and fig.15(b) for stability diagram.

Figure 2: (a) Equlibrium diagram (b) Stability diagram-- From above

Notice that high- tex2html_wrap_inline109 is prefered, because of efficiency use of magnetic field.
Bootstrap Current
It was predicted theoretically that pressure gradient and trapped particles can produce parallel current in the banana region. If this current is high enough, it can satisfy tokamak confinement conditions without external ohmic 'e' field. Bootstrap current has been observed since middle 1980's. See fig.16 for bootstrap current generation.

Figure 3: Banana motion of electrons that induces the bootstrp current -- From [5]

tex2html_wrap_inline113 exist tex2html_wrap_inline115 , therefore the bootstrap current is proportional to the parallel current:


where tex2html_wrap_inline119 is the aspect ratio, and dp/dr is pressure gradient. It's easy to see that the bootstrap current is naturally offset from the magnetic axis.
For detailed derivation of bootstrap current, one can refer to [5] 8.2
Reversed Magnetic Shear
From eq.(110), we can see that ballooning modes impose a constraint on the upper limit presure gradient that can be derived which limit the tex2html_wrap_inline109 value that can be used. But from above analysis, we can see that a tokamak plasma can be stabilized under high tex2html_wrap_inline109 if the current profile is a hollow shape. Notice that tex2html_wrap_inline125 (eq.(110)) which implies that reversed magnetic shear can improve the tex2html_wrap_inline109 limit, bootstrap current and stability simultaneously.
Reversed magnetic shear has several beneficial effects. Among these are complete stability to tex2html_wrap_inline129 ideal MHD balooning modes in the reversed shear region. This implies that balooning mode stability does not impose any constraint on the pressure gradient there. It permits strong peaking of the pressure profile, which can allow a large ratio of bootstrap current to total current, and also produce a bootstrap current profile with favorable shape of stability. Reversed shear can also contribute to improved plasma confinement by acting to help suppress the trapped particles instabilities. See fig.17 for current profile in the magnetic reversed shear etc.

Figure 4: Reversed magnetic shear -- From E.J.Strait

For theoretical analysis of reversed magnetic shear, refer to J. Kesner, Phy. Lett. A, 219(1996)pp.303.
For experiments results, refer to F.M.Levinton,,Phy. Rev. Lett 75(1995)pp.4417 and E.J.Strait, Phy. Rev. Lett., 75(1995)pp.4421
For other related, refer to A.Sykes, Phy. Rev. Lett., 39(1977)pp.757 and C.Kessel, Phy. Rev. Lett., 72(1994)pp.1212