Electronics & Instrumentation (20.422)

Last Updated 3 December 1997

Staff/Students | Schedule | Facilities | Announcements | Helpful Info| Strange But True!

Course Staff/Students


    Section 1: Lecture MW 11:00-11:50 JEC 4107
  • Lab: T 8:00-10:50 am JEC 4107 Cancelled
  • Lab: T 6:00-8:50 pm JEC 4107
  • Lab: R 8:00-10:50 am JEC 4107 Cancelled
  • Lab: R 6:00-8:50 pm JEC 4107
  • Lab: F 9:00-11:50 am JEC 4107
    Section 2: (No Lecture)
  • Studio: MWF 12:00-1:50 pm JEC4107
The full Schedule for all three engineering studio classrooms, is also available.

Instrumentation Studio Facilities

    Studio Classroom -- JEC 4107

    This classroom is configured around 9 learning stations, each of which can accommodate two groups of two students for a total of 36. Each of the stations is configured around an HP Vectra VL MT Series 4 5/100 PC running Windows 95 with an HP-IB interface connecting it to the instruments listed at the right. Using HP 34820A BenchLink Suite, students can document and analyze their scope waveforms, move scope waveform data into their arb, graphically create their own arb waveforms, and better manage their counter or DMM results. Each station also has another desktop pc and has room for student laptops. All station computers (including laptops) are networked together (and to the outside world) and served by an HP Vectra XU 6/200 running Windows NT.


Helpful Information

Strange But True! (Or Merely Interesting)