Unofficial Instrumentation Studio Schedule

Fall 2001

Last Updated 21 September 2001

EI: Electronic Instrumentation

FWI: Fields and Waves I

Mech: Mechatronics

Please Check Bottom of Page for Reservations

Note: In the tables below, open cells indicate open times in the schedule. Any times listed with a course abbreviation or Maintenance are NOT AVAILABLE. Even if equipment appears to be available, only students registered for these sections or staff are permitted in the studio at these times.

Open Shop Policy: Any student taking a class in this studio can make use of any of the open shop times. However, there will only be someone from a particular course staff in the room at the times indicated by the course initials. Also, specialized equipment can only be used when there is a member of the approprate course staff present.

Instrumentation Studio: JEC 4107
Hour Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
8 am

EI - 1

EI - 1
EI - 1

9 am

EI - 1

EI - 1
EI - 1

10 am

EI - 2
Open Shop - EI
EI - 2
EI - 2
Open Shop - EI

11 am

EI - 2
Open Shop - EI
EI - 2
EI - 2
Open Shop - EI

12 pm

EI - 3
Mech - 1 (1-4)
EI - 3
EI - 3
Mech - 1 (1-4)

1 pm

EI - 3
Mech - 1 (1-4)
EI - 3
EI - 3
Mech - 1 (1-4)

2 pm

FWI - 1
Mech - 2 (5-8)
FWI - 1
FWI - 1
Mech - 2 (5-8)

3 pm

FWI - 1
Mech - 2 (5-8)
FWI - 1
FWI - 1
Mech - 2 (5-8)

4 pm
Open Shop -- EI
FWI - 2
Open Shop -- EI
FWI - 2
FWI - 2

5 pm
Open Shop -- EI
FWI - 2
Open Shop -- EI
FWI - 2
FWI - 2

6 pm
Open Shop - EI
Mech Lab - 1 (1,5)
Mech Lab - 2 (2,6)
Mech Lab - 3 (3,7)
Mech Lab - 4 (4,8)

7 pm
Open Shop - EI
Mech Lab - 1 (1,5)
Mech Lab - 2 (2,6)
Mech Lab - 3 (3,7)
Mech Lab - 4 (4,8)

8 pm

Open Shop - EI

Open Shop - EI
Open Shop - EI

9 pm

Open Shop - EI

Open Shop - EI
Open Shop - EI

Special Use Reservations

None Yet

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