Electronics and Instrumentation Course Information
Spring 1998
Last Updated 20 January 1998: While the general structure of this course will remain about the same, the details of this syllabus will be changed at least weekly. Please be sure to check this site on a regular basis.
20.422 Electronics and Instrumentation
- Instrumentation Methodology
- Analog Electronics
- Sensors
- Analog/Digital Transitional Electronics
- Digital Electronics
Studio Activities
This is a studio course and, thus, it combines lectures, problem solving, simulation, laboratory experiments, and laboratory projects in the same classroom and timeslots. We meet for a total of 6 hours each week in either 2 or 3 hour blocks. Each class meeting will be divided up into activities (lecture, lab, etc.) that will last anywhere from 10 minutes to the entire class period. Usually, activity duration will be from 10-30 minutes. Homework problems, lab experiments, project reports, etc. will still have particular due dates, which will be listed in the calendar below. Since this document is electronic, it will be continuously modified throughout the semester.
Textbook/Reference Materials
There is no standard text for this course. We will be using some readily available pamphlets and a lot of web-based info.
- Electronics class notes prepared by D.M. Gingrich of the University of Alberta Physics Department. These notes are sufficiently complete that they can serve as a textbook.
- Engineer's Mini Notebook Series by Forest M. Mims, available from Radioshack. We will be using the general forumla book, the op-amp book, and the sensor book.
A bound copy of the notes and copies of the 3 Mims Mini-Notebooks can be purchased for $10 from Audrey Hayner in JEC 6003.
Graded Work
- Quizzes/Exams (50%)
- Practical Quizzes (2%) -- To successfully apply the materials studied in this course, it is necessary for students to master a small number of practical skills. These include, but are not limited to, PSpice simulation, function generator and scope operation, protoboarding passive components, determining resonant frequencies, identifying logic gates, ... A few weeks into the term, a list of short (about one half hour) quizzes will be posted that address such practical skills. A minimum of 5 quizzes must be completed by each student. Quizzes, which will be taken individually (no partners), can be worked on in class if time allows or during open shop hours.
- 4 Topical Quizzes (10%) -- There will be one quiz on each of the main topics of the course, except for Instrumentation Methodology, which will be addressed in the practical quizzes. All Quizzes will be closed book, but students are permitted to bring one 8.5" x 11" crib sheet. Specific topics to be addressed on each quiz will be announced at least one week before the quiz date.
- Homework (10%) -- Assignments are made in class. Problems will be posted on the webpage or on the bulletin board outside the studio.
- 4 Design Projects (40%)
- Experiments (P/F) -- Each of the experiments to be done in class find application in a project. When an experiment is completed, the Experiment Completion Sheet must be signed by one of the TAs or the Instructor. The results and any calculations called for are to be turned in with the Pre-Project Report. Pre-project reports will receive a grade of zero if all experiments are not completed.
- Pre-Project Reports (25%) -- A large fraction of the course grade is based on this report. The general issues to be addressed in each report include the following:
- Introduction (5 pts): Introduce and describe the goals of the project.
- Design (10 pts): Describe your project design, how it works, how you came up with this particular design, and discuss potential problems. This last item is very important. You should not expect your initial design to be a complete success. Remember that you will have the opportunity to make changes while you build and test your project.
- Analysis (15 pts): Discuss why your project should work and support your discussion with calculations, graphs, PSpice simulations, and common sense reasoning.
- Personal Responsibilities: A short paragraph should be written describing what each group member contributed to the project design.
- Appendix: Include any background materials you used in the preparation of your design. Here, for example, is where you should attach the materials from the experiments done in in class.
A list of specific issues to be addressed for each project will also be posted in the class announcements. A discussion of how your design deals with each of these issues must also be included at the appropriate place in your report.
- Project Reports (15%) -- Your project report will describe how you implemented your designs, how well they worked, what changes you made and simulations, data, and calculations supporting your new designs, if any changes were made. All reports should include the following sections:
- Introduction -- Problem statement and what was learned from this project.
- Implementation -- Discuss what problems were encountered during the implementation of your project and how you solved them. Include advice you would offer to someone who wished to avoid these problems in the future.
- Final Design -- Describe your final design, what needed to be changed and why. Show that the new design works with experimental data from your hardware and PSice simulations. Include your PSpice schematics.
- Personal Responsibilities -- A short paragraph should be written describing what each group member did to develop and implement the final design.
Week One: Introduction to studio instrumentation: function generator, dc power supplies, protoboards, components, digital mulitmeter, oscilloscope. Introduction to PSpice.
- Experiment One:, Electronic Test & Measuring Equipment by Barry Lunt, Brigham Young University. (Also read Hints About Digitizing Scopes by Walter Banzhaf, University of Hartford. .
- Experiment Two:, Sine Waves and Hearing by Professor Richard Kozick, Bucknell University. (Do only first three parts.)
- Homework #1: (Due 21 January) Two problems assigned 14 Jan in Sec 1,2 or 15 Jan in Sec 3.
- Experiment Three: PSpice Tutorial. Pages 1-13 to be completed this week.
Week Two: No Class Monday. Continue to address topics of Week One.
- Experiment Four: Lab Instrumentation Primer With Additional PSpice Simulation.
Week Three:
Week Four:
- Pre-Project 1 Report: Seismometer With Amplified Output
- Quiz 1
Week Five:
- Project 1 Report: Seismometer With Amplified Output
Week Six: No Classes Monday and Tuesday
Week Seven:
Week Eight:
- Pre-Project 2 Report: TBA
Week Nine: Spring Break
Week Ten:
Week Eleven:
Week Twelve:
- Pre-Project 3 Report: Instrumented Beakman's Motor
Week Thirteen:
- Project 3 Report: Instrumented Beakman's Motor
Week Fourteen:
Week Fifteen:
- Pre-Project 4 Report: TBA
Week Sixteen: No Classes Thursday and Friday
Course Calendar |
Week |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Pre-Project 1
Quiz 1 (Sec 1,2)
Quiz 1 (Sec 3)
Project 1
No Classes
No Classes
Quiz 2 (Sec 3)
Quiz 2 (Sec 1,2)
Pre-Project 2
Spring Break
Spring Break
Spring Break
Spring Break
Spring Break
Project 2
Quiz 3 (Sec 1,2)
Quiz 3 (Sec 3)
Pre-Project 3
Project 3
Quiz 4 (Sec 3)
Quiz 4 (Sec 1,2)
Pre-Project 4
Project 4
Study Period
Study Period
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