The memo that was enclosed with the B&W photos that catylyzed me. Most of theB&W photos were taken by Chuck Phelan & Eliot Graham. Where I have it, photo credits will be given, people identified, and bits of info displayed. I will be glad to include your notations and additional info as long as you let me attribute it to you. You may have your e-mail address included if you choose to.

As for the slight decade differential, well, let's just say it wasn't of our choosing! I'll let Don Drewecki's eloquence address that little gem, and much more....
jgs 1998

I am complying with the request to release these pages A.S.A.P. Because of this I won't have all the text associated with the B&W stuff HTML-ed. It will show up. Take your cue from the little people at work. If they arn't there,I've run out of info, and will be glad to take more in :)