After the the 11-Zip RPI mass-a-cree at Clarkson, Well, lets face it, Mike McDermott has never been quite the same :) Some would say more than the RPI Engineers "lost it"." Crazy Mikie" is giving it all away!! (well almost). "Jason, Friday the 13th" masks and custom-to-game collector tees. Don't wait for the Engineers to score a goal and hope to catch one that Mike throws to the fans when RPI scores; Get yours Today at the RPI Bookstore!!!!



First e-mail to me naming this voice wins the Hockey Tee of his/her choice.

Fine Print
You don't have to be able to hear the .au file to win, but you do have to use you head for more than a hatrack (logic is more than a truth-table :)
You must be a student; Primary, Secondary, Home Schooled, or Collegiate.
The only exception to the above is if you are/were associated (firmly) to the Glenwood, California "connection".

I am the final judge: Remember, Give it to a Kid!!

6 to 2!!

Well, One out of two wasn't bad...

CLASSIC tee!!!!

FieldHouse! BE There!!