What Happens on MST HIBP







































October, 1999

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First day of run HIBP on the MST after the summer installation

1. Ip = 300kA, Ne = 0.6-1.1 x 10^13/cm^3

2. Primary sweep plates voltage holding tests: The poloidal 4kV and toloidal 4kV sweep plates are working fine. The 10kV toloidal sweep plates work ok. The 20kV poloidal sweep plates in the positive cycle during the discharge can not hold voltage. Decide to ground one plate, while driving the other one negatively.

3. Secondary sweep plates voltage holding tests: The poloidal 10kV plates can not hold voltage during the plasma discharge in either directions. The 1st set of 4kV toloidal plates can't hold positive voltage during the discharge, while the 2nd set works fine. Decide to ground one plate, while driving the other one negatively.


1. Wb = 45keV. Ip = 300kA. Ne = 0.6-1.1 X 10^13/cm^3. Accel-Decel mode. The beam current is thought to be ~ 5uA from the Pierce reading. (*Actual value is divided by 4)

2. The energy analyzer's I/Vs have no water cooling. Theresore there is a positive drift after the power is turned on for some time.

3. Try different openning size of the analyzer's entrance slits. Try sweep the beam towards the exit port both radially and toroidally. Try different offset of the sweep plates. Try different sweep frequencies.

4. No signals show up on the detector. The detector signal reflects the UV radiation from the plasma.


1. Try sweep the beam into different quadrants in order to offset any possible calculation mistakes.

2. Check the ion species with the only Bt run. The ion is identified as Na+. The beam can hit the #2 primary beam detector, which is located at the -70.5 deg. poloidally.

3. The I/Vs noise level is about 15-20nA. Accel-Decel mode. Ib ~ 5uA/4


Water cooling is added to the energy analyzer.


Re-run the HIBP. Accel -Decel mode.

1. A review of the calculation shows that for the 300kA standard discharge, the beam energy is about 33keV.

2. Run the beam at Wb = 33keV, and Ip ~ 300kA. Still no signals show up. Ib = 5uA/4

3. Find that the beam is defocused during the pulse of the filament. This is found later due to the lost of control of the extractor voltage because of the charge exchange between the Pierce and the extractor. This can be solved by adding a 200MOhm resistor to the extractor's stack.


Measure the beam property after shorting 9/15 of the accelerator's column to the ground.

1. Measure the beam current on the shutter ~ 0.1uA. The filament current is ~ 6A. The secondary emission is not taken into account.

2. Measure the beam size with the shutter by rotating it across the beam. The size is ~ 5mm

3. Try bias the shutter with a 9V battery, but failed, and damage on I/V box.

4. Measure the filament's resistance to make sure it's in good shape. John thought it may be a 2 1/2 turn source.


1. Use a high current DC source to measure the current drawn on the SBL plates during the discharge.

2. Try measuring the neutral beam signals from the Rutherford scattering.

3. Change the ion source.


1. Take a look at the path effect and the attenuation factor at the sample volume.

2. Calculate the sample volume size.


Measure the loading effect on the SBL plates with a DC power supply. ~ 1A at the poloidal plates.


1. Test the manual controlled filament current pulse circuit.

2. Install a new 3 1/2 turn ion source


Try to measure the beam signal on the SBL plates (last set of the toroidal paltes)


1. Pulse the filament, try measure the secondary signal on the detectors.

2. We thought the ion current is ~ 50uA. The current is read back from the Pierce's reading.