Electronic Instrumentation Course
Spring 2008
Last Updated January 2008
The syllabus for last semester offers a guide
for what you can expect this term.
Topics | Activities
| References | Graded Work | Weekly Schedule
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Experiment | Information
about Quizzes

Electronic Instrumentation
Provide engineering
and science students with practical, hands-on experience in the application of
electronic instrumentation methodology (modeling, analysis and design) and
tools (sensors, instruments, basic electronic hardware and simulation
software). Course pedagogy is primarily discovery-based.
- MATH-2400:
Differential Equations and PHYS-1200/1260: PHYSICS II are the formal
prerequisites for this course.
- We
also use concepts from most required math courses, physics courses, and
basic engineering courses.
- Instrumentation Methodology
- Analog Electronics
- Sensors
- Analog/Digital Transitional Electronics
- Digital Electronics
Studio Activities
This is a studio course
and, thus, it combines lectures, problem solving, simulation, laboratory
experiments, and laboratory projects in the same classroom and timeslots. We meet
for a total of 6 hours each week. Each class meeting will be divided up into
activities (lecture, lab, etc.) that will last anywhere from 10 minutes to the
entire class period. Homework problems, lab experiments, project reports, etc.
will still have particular due dates, which will be listed in the calendar
Class Materials
- Standard Texts
Essence of Analog Electronics by Colin Lunn of Southbank University
Lunn is a smaller book intended for students studying electronics for the
first time. It is available at the RPI bookstore or from several online
stores for less than $25. It does a relatively good job with basic
circuits and op-amps, but has no in formation on digital electronics.
- Supplementary
1. Electronics
class notes by D.M. Gingrich of the University of Alberta Physics
The class notes by Gingrich are an excellent source of online
supplementary material.
2. Additional Online Supplementary Material
Additional links for each experiment and project are located on the links
- Software
Mobile Studio Desktop
The Rensselaer IOBoard is used to extensively in the course. The
Mobile Studio Desktop software creates an oscilloscope, function generator
and voltmeter on the desktop of your laptop computer for analysis.
OrCad Capture/Demo version 10.5
One of the most important tools we will be using in this class is the
circuit analysis software from OrCAD -- Capture for schematic capture and
PSpice for analysis. Both programs are available for free download
directly from OrCAD or you can order a free copy of the demo CD at the same
- Electronics
All students are required to purchase a kit consisting of electronic
components, a protoboard, some tools and a storage box. These kits are
available in the studio for a cost of around $50. Please check out the parts
list to be sure your kit is complete when you receive it. You MUST buy
one kit per pair. After the first experiment, all groups that do not have
a kit will no longer be given grades for experiments they hand in. Kits
from previous semesters may be useful as a source of additional parts, but
they aren't an alternative to a new kit.
- Suggested
reference text
The Art of Electronics by
Horowitz and Hill.
This is an outstanding book on the practical use of electronics that we
recommend as an additional reference. It is probably the best source
available for practical electronics advice and information. It also has
some good introductory material on circuit analysis, op-amps and digital
electronics. It isn't cheap.
- Additional
There are several additional books that cover many more subjects than we
do, but do have most of the background information needed to do the
homework, experiments and projects. They are available from online
bookstores and are relatively expensive. If you want to order one, but
would like to look them over first, copies are available.
(1) Electrical Concepts and Applications by Boctor, Ryff,
Hiscocks, Ghorab and Holmes of Ryerson Polytechnic University (Toronto) is
written for non-electrical engineering students.
(2) Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering by Leonard Bobrow of UMass is intended for a first course in
electrical engineering.
Check Weekly Schedule For
Suggested Reading
Graded Work
- 4 Quizzes (35%) There
will be one quiz on each of the four main topics of the course. All
Quizzes will be closed book, but students will be given a 8.5" x
11" crib sheet. Specific topics to be addressed on each quiz will be
announced at least one week before the quiz date. Check the syllabus for
last semester to see the kind of questions you can expect to see on the
- 8 Homeworks (10%) -- All
homework assignments are on WebCT. There are eight homeworks graded out of
15 points each; one for each experiment. They are generally due a few days
before the experiment is due. For the exact dates, check WebCT or your
class schedule. You have three chances to take the homework. If you miss
the due date, you will have two chances to get a maximum score of 12
points in three days time. If you miss this deadline, you will still be
able to take the homework for a maximum score of 7.5 points. The answers
will be posted on WebCT.
NOTE: inactivity will cause the WebCT connection to dropout and result in
unusual behavior, such as inability to view graphics and text. If you
start a homework assignment, make sure you finish it in a timely manner,
otherwise the system may lock you out and not let you complete the work.
- 8 Experiments (25%)
Experiment grades consists of 80 points for the group write up and 20
points for individual participation for a total of 100 points.
- Experiment write up (80 points) Experiment
write ups are not supposed to be a formal report. They should include the
- Include the plots required for each section
- Answer the questions for each section
- Include a summary of key points
- Discuss mistakes and problems
- List member responsibilities
- Participation (20 points) 20 out of 100 points of
your grade will be based on class attendance and participation. You will
earn 20 points for each experiment if you are in attendance and doing
your share. You can make up class time missed during open shop and give
the following form to your instructor: EImakeup.pdf.
- Late
Penalty -- For full credit, the write-up must be turned in on the due
date. This is the date listed below and on the course calendar unless you
are informed otherwise in class. The late penalty for experiment write up
is as follows: For each school day late (weekends and vacations are not
counted): 4 points per day for the first two days and 7 points per day
for each additional day. Thus, if the report is handed in 5 days late,
the penalty is 29 points. Please note that there are, at most, 5 school
days per week.
- 4
Design Projects (25%) Please check
each project write up for specific instructions.
- Project
Reports (80 points) -- The general issues to be addressed in each report
include (but are not necessarily limited to) the following. Please
note that the guidelines and exact point breakdown are somewhat different
for each project.
- Introduction:
Introduce and describe the goals of the project. Usually, you will be
asked to list at least two issues from the course that have an impact on
the project.
- Background
and Theory: Describe the theoretical background you need to understand
the experiment.
- Initial
Design: Describe the initial project design. This is often given to you.
Develop a plan for building and testing the design. Discuss
implementation problems. Present initial design results.
- Final
Design: Describe the changes you made for your final design. Present
final design results. Discuss implementation problems.
- Conclusions:
Compare results for initial and final designs.
- Personal
Responsibilities: Discuss how you divided up the tasks.
- Appendices:
Supporting graphs, data, calculations, simulations, etc. and a list of
- Extra
Credit: All projects have some opportunity to gain extra credit.
- Participation
(20 points): Participation will be awarded in a similar manner to the
- Late
Penalty -- The Design Project Reports are due on the dates indicated on
the course calendar. If they are handed in late, a penalty will be
applied in a similar manner to the experiments.
- Overall Class Participation (5%) -- Five percent of your grade will be
based on participation. This will include class attendance, your active
participation during class, and a fair contribution to writeups. This
assessment will be based on the observances of the TA's, the instructors
and your fellow students. More information about attendance and
participation is available here.
Weekly Schedule
One: Experiment 1 -- Signals, Instrumentation, Basic Circuits, and
Week Two: Experiment 2 -- Complex Impedance,
Filters, and Steady State Analysis
Week Three: Experiment 3 -- Inductors
and Transformers
Week Four: Project 1 -- Instrumented
Beakman's Motor
Week Five: QUIZ 1 [Sp’08 room conflict-postponed 1
week] and Experiment 4 --
Operational Amplifiers
- Review
for Quiz 1 on Wednesday
- Quiz 1 on Wednesday (2/20 of week 6)
- Experiment
4 handout, power point notes, and other links: http://hibp.ecse.rpi.edu/~connor/education/EILinks.html#Exp4.
- Experiment
3 due Monday/Tuesday
- Reading
Assignment: Sections 3.8 and 3.9 in Boyce and DiPrima (differential
equations text)
- Homework
4 on WebCT due Wednesday
- Reading
Assignment: Lunn Chapter 3 (all sections) and Chapter 4 (sections 4.3 to
Week Six: Experiment 5 -- Harmonic
Week Seven: Project 2 -- A Beam Model
for Harmonic Oscillation
Week Eight: QUIZ 2
- Review
for Quiz 2 on Wednesday
- Quiz 2 on Wednesday evening
- Experiment
5 due Monday/Tuesday
- No
homework due this week
Week Nine: Experiment 6 -- Electronic
Week Ten: Experiment 7 -- Digital Logic
and the 555-Timer
Week Eleven: Project 3 -- Digital
Circuits Project
Week Twelve: QUIZ 3
- Review
for Quiz 3 on Wednesday
- Quiz 3 on Wednesday evening
- Experiment
7 due Monday/Tuesday
- No
homework due this week
Week Thirteen: Experiment 8 -- Using
Diodes to Limit, Rectify and Regulate Signals
Week Fourteen: QUIZ 4
Week Fifteen: Project 4 -- Optical
Communications Link
- Review
for Quiz 4 on Wednesday
- Quiz 4 on Wednesday evening
- Experiment
8 due Monday/Tuesday
- Project
4 due Friday 5/2,
all sections (study days before finals week)
- No
homework due this week
- There
is no final in this course
Week Sixteen: (FINALS WEEK)
Academic Integrity
Academic dishonesty is a very serious matter, and we suggest
that you read the remainder of this statement carefully:
Student-teacher relationships are built upon trust. For
example, students must trust that teachers have made appropriate decisions
about the structure and content of the courses they teach, and teachers must
trust that the assignments, which students turn in, are their own. Acts which
violate this trust undermine the educational process.
The Rensselaer Handbook defines various forms of Academic
Dishonesty and procedures for responding to them. All forms are violations of
the trust between students and teachers. Students should familiarize themselves
with this portion of the Rensselaer Handbook and should note that the penalties
for plagiarism and other forms of cheating can be quite harsh.
Any portion of work handed in that is not your own, should
cite the author. Just as you would not write a history paper by copying text
from the encyclopedia, you should not take credit for another person's
engineering work. Reference should also be made to any personal communications
you have had with anyone outside your group that contributed substantially to
the successful completion of an assignment. (Please read the IEEE Code of
Ethics, especially item number 7. http://www.ieee.org/web/membership/ethics/code_ethics.html
The ASME has a similar code. http://files.asme.org/ASMEORG/Governance/3675.pdf)
Collaboration on assignments is encouraged, in fact
essential, between lab partners. However, having one partner always work on
hardware aspects and the other on the software or data analysis or report
writing will be detrimental to all partners. All partners should understand and
participate in all aspects of the lab exercises in order to learn the necessary
topics addressed in lab write-ups and covered on the exams. While you may
discuss your classwork with anyone, collaboration on assignments is not allowed
between lab groups, either within or between lab sections. Turning in similar
out-of-class assignments, which suggest that copying (in part or in total) has
taken place, will be considered as academic dishonesty.
Cheating on an exam will be considered as academic dishonesty
and will result in a failing grade for the course.
At all times, we reserve the right to take formal action
against anyone engaging in academic dishonesty. This action may range from
failing an assignment to failing the course, or to being reported to the Dean
of Students. If you have any questions about these rules or how they apply to
any specific assignment or exam, discuss it with one of the instructors or
course administrators.
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E-mail the course coordinator about problems with this page.