Instrumentation Test Information (ENGR-4300)
Updated January 2009
Quiz Dates
Quiz 1:
Thursday, February 18
Quiz 2: Thursday, March 4
Quiz 3: Thursday, April 8
Quiz 4: Thursday, April 29
Crib Sheets
1 2009 Spring solution
1 2008 Fall solution
1 2008 Spring solution
1 2007 Fall solution
You will have two hours
Five Questions each worth about 20 points
Question 1 -- Circuit Analysis
- Be
able to handle combinations of parallel and/or series resistors
- You
may be asked to give resistance expressions in equation form, rather than
as a number.
- Be
able to find voltages or currents through any resistor
- Be
able to find the total resistance or current
- Know
the voltage divider equation.
- Be
able to find the voltage across a resistor in a voltage divider
- The following
file has past test questions on this topic: CircuitAnalysis.pdf
Question 2 -- Filters
- Understand
how capacitors behave at very low and high frequencies.
- Understand
how inductors behave at very low and high frequencies.
- Be
able to redraw a given RL, RC or RLC circuit at low and/or high
frequencies and identify low pass, high pass, band
pass and band reject filters.
- Know
how to find the resonant frequency of RLC circuits. Remember w=2pf. [omega = 2(pi)f]
- Know
how to find the corner frequency of RC and RL circuits. Remember w=2pf. [omega = 2(pi)f]
- Be
able to determine resonant frequency (or w)
and corner frequency (or w) given
a semi-log plot of the input and output of a circuit.
- Be
able to identify what will happen to a signal of a certain frequency when
it is applied to an RC, RL, or RLC filter. Will the filter pass it, reject
it, or do something in between? What will the output voltage be relative
to the input voltage?
- Remember
you can identify the value of a voltage at a point using knowledge of
connection to ground, connection to source voltage, location of an open
circuit, location of a short, or the voltage divider rule.
- The
following file has past test questions on this topic: Filters.pdf
- The
following file has more test questions with relevance to filters: HighLow.pdf
Question 3 -- Transfer Functions
and Phasors
- Be
able to apply the voltage divider equation and parallel and series
combination rules to find transfer functions using complex impedance
expressions. Also be able to simplify these expressions.
- Be
able to simplify the transfer function to find a function
which governs behavior at low and high frequencies.
- Be
able to find the magnitude and phase of the simplified transfer function
at low and high frequencies.
- Be
able to to simplify the transfer function to find
a function which governs behavior at the corner
or resonant frequency.
- Be
able to find an expression (or value) for the magnitude and phase of the
simplified transfer function at the corner or resonant frequency.
- Be
able to use the transfer function to determine the output amplitude and
output phase of a circuit given the input amplitude, input phase, and
- Be
able to identify low pass, high pass, band pass and band reject filters
given a plot of the transfer function.
- Be
able to sketch magnitude and phase for low pass, high pass, band pass and
band reject filters using their behavior at low frequencies, high
frequencies and the resonant or corner frequency.
- Be
able to determine resonant frequency (or w)
and corner frequency (or w) given
a semi-log plot of the transfer function of a circuit.
- Don't
forget the simple substitution of short and open circuits for capacitors
and inductors. It is an easy way to double check transfer function
behavior at low and high frequencies.
- The following
file has past test questions on this topic: TransferFunctions.pdf
Question 4 -- Transformers and
- Know
the basic equations involving transformers and how to apply them.
- Know
the basic characteristics of transformers.
- Be
able to calculate an unknown inductance given the capacitance or
capacitance given the inductance.
- Be
able to calculate the resonant frequency given inductance or
capacitance...or visa versa.
- Be
able to estimate the inductance of a coil when given some dimensions for
the unknown inductor from the ideal formula.
- Know
whether or not this ideal formula will over estimate or under estimate the
inductance of the coil.
- The
following file has past test questions on this topic: Transformers.pdf
- The
following file has past test questions on a combination of related topics:
Question 5 -- PSpice, Instrumentation and Components
- Be
able to identify which trace on a plot corresponds to which voltage point
of a simple circuit.
- Given
a PSpice plot with time-varying signals on it,
show that the signals satisfy the appropriate voltage and current
- Given
that you wish to obtain a particular AC Sweep, DC Sweep, or Transient
analysis with PSpice, describe the specific
steps you would follow. You will be given blank windows and asked which
ones you will use and what numbers you will input.
- Given
an image of one of the instruments we have used in this class (function
generator, digital multimeter, scope, dc
supply), identify the buttons you would push for some specified purpose.
Only the most basic functions will be considered.
- Understand
how to set frequency, amplitude, dc offset, and duty cycle on function
- Describe
how to use the multimeter to measure voltage and
- Describe
how to set the correct voltage with the DC supply.
- Understand
how to set time and voltage scales on the 'scope.
- Understand
how to determine voltage values or time values using Voltage/Time buttons
and/or scale factors on the 'scope.
- Understand
how to subtract two signals or set up a simple Lissajous
figure on the 'scope.
- Be
able to explain the discrepancy between reading on the 'scope (or the DMM)
and the function generator and why it happens.
- Be
able to read resistors and capacitors and find tolerances.
- Know when
equipment impedances and resistance of wires can and cannot be ignored.
- The
following file has past test questions on these topics: General.pdf
Additional Topics
The following additional topics
may also be covered as parts of the above five questions.
Sine Waves
- Given
an exact image produced on the oscilloscope, determine the mathematical
representation of the signal displayed.
- Be
able to find peak-to-peak amplitude, RMS amplitude, amplitude phase,
frequency, angular frequency, period, and dc offset
- Know
all units for the above.
- Be
able to sketch a sine wave from the mathematical equation
Homeworks and Experiments
- Any
question included in a Report and Conclusions section of experiments 1-3
is fair game.
- Any
question similar to those on homeworks 1-3 is
fair game.
Other Skills
- Be
able to read semi-log plots.
- Be
able to substitute in numerical values for R, L, C and w=2pf as needed to find numerical
Quiz 1 Samples
Review Sessions
The class
before the quiz - we will solve a test that has some similarities to the quiz
you will take.
Crib Sheet
following crib sheet will be provided.
2 Spring 2009 solution
2 Fall 2008 solution
2 Spring 2008 solution
2 Fall 2007 solution
You will have two hours
Five Questions each worth about 20 points
Question 1 -- Damped Sinusoids
and the Strain Gauge Bridge
- Know
the equation for a damped sinusoid.
- Be
able to determine the damping constant of a damped sinusoid given a plot.
- Be
able to find other properties of a damped sinusoid: initial amplitude,
frequency, period, angular frequency, and DC offset.
- Be
able to identify passive circuits (no input voltage source) that produce
sinusoids (LC) and damped sinusoids (RLC). Be able to relate the component
values of these circuits to the properties of the sinusoid. The resonant
frequency (in Hertz) is given by f=1/[2psqrt(LC)]
and the damping constant (in 1/sec) is given by a=R/[2L].
- Know
what a bridge circuit is and how it is used in the experiments.
- Know
what a balanced bridge is and how to recognize a circuit that is balanced.
- Know
how to apply the equation that relates the frequency of a loaded beam to the
mass at the end of the beam.
- The
following file has past test questions related to damped sinusoids: DecaySine.pdf
Question 2 -- Thevenin Equivalent Sources
- Be
able to apply Thevenin equivalent method to a
voltage divider, a Wheatstone Bridge or other simple configuration.
- Be
able to find the Thevenin resistance
- Be
able to find Thevenin voltage
- Be
able to draw the Thevenin circuit with or
without a load
- Be
able to use a voltage divider to determine voltage across a load placed on
the Thevenin equivalent circuit.
- The
following file has past test questions on finding Thevenin
Circuits: Thevenin.pdf
Question 3 -- Op Amp
- Know
how to recognize the amplifier configurations we have already seen:
inverting, non-inverting, buffer, differentiator (real and ideal),
integrator (real and ideal), differential, and (weighted) adder.
- Know
the characteristic equation (in the time domain) that governs each circuit
- Know
the transfer function (in terms of j and w)
that governs each circuit above.
- Know
the characteristics and limitations of op-amps.
- Know
what a voltage follower (buffer) is and why you would want to use it in a
- Know
how to apply the characteristic equation of an op amp to find the gain,
input voltage, output voltage or resistances given the other values.
- Understand
how to find an equation for the behavior of a circuit involving more than
one op-amp circuit in series: Htotal
= H1 * H2.
- Understand
how to apply the equation for the combined behavior of an op-amp circuit
to digital-to-analog conversion or other task.
- The
following file has past test questions on digital to analog conversion: DigitalAnalog.pdf
- The
following file has past test questions with relevance to op-amp
applications: OpAmp-Applications.pdf
Question 4 -- Op Amp Analysis
- Know
how to use the op amp equations to derive the transfer function for all of
the amplifier circuits studied: inverting, non-inverting, buffer,
differentiator, integrator, differential, and (weighted) adder.
- Know
how to use the op amp equations to derive the transfer function for a
simple circuit similar to the above.
- The
following file has test questions with relevance to op amp analysis: OpAmp-Analysis.pdf
Question 5 --
- Be
able to sketch or recognize the output of a simple op-amp circuit given the
input. Note that we are especially interested in the amplitude and phase
effects of integrators and differentiators.
- Know
the basic mathematical concepts behind differentiation (slope of curve)
and integration (area under curve).
- Know
that real integrators and real differentiators only work well at certain
- Be
able to recognize the characteristic curve (sweep of magnitude and/or
phase) of both integrators and differentiators.
- Be
able to identify frequencies at which integrators and differentiators are
working more-or-less correctly given an AC sweep of the transfer function
magnitude or phase.
- Know
how to apply the equation for the corner frequency of an integrator or a
differentiator to determine an estimate of when these circuits will be
acting ideally and when they will be acting like an inverting amplifier.
- The
following file has test questions with relevance to op amp analysis: OpAmp-DiffInt.pdf
Homeworks and Experiments
- Any
question included in a Results and Discussion section of experiments 4-5
are fair game.
- Any
question similar to those on homeworks 4-5 is
fair game.
Basic Skills
- Basic
skills related to PSpice, Equipment, and Sine
Waves may appear on this, or any other, exam.
- See
the list for quiz 1 for details.
- The
following file has past test questions on these topics: General.pdf
Other Skills
- Know
the voltage divider equation.
- Be
able to find the voltage across a resistor in a voltage divider
- Be
able to apply the voltage divider equation to transfer functions with
complex impedance expressions.
- Be
able to identify the value of a voltage at a point using knowledge of
connection to ground, connection to source voltage, open circuit, short,
or voltage divider rule.
- Be
able to read semi-log plots.
- Be
able to substitute in numerical values for R, L, C and w=2pf as needed to find numerical
Quiz 2 Samples
Review Sessions
The class
before the quiz - we will solve a test that has some similarities to the quiz
you will take.
Crib Sheet
following crib sheet will be provided. We will also give you the crib sheet
from the first quiz.
3 Spring 2009 solution
3 Fall 2008 solution
3 Spring 2008 solution
3 Fall 2007 solution
Five Questions
each worth about 20 points
Question 1 -- Astable Multivibrators
- Be
able to apply the equations for T1, T2 and frequency given R1, R2 and C.
- Be
able to find values of R1, R2 or C given T1, T2 or frequency.
- Given
a plot of the output of an astable multivibrator circuit, be able to determine T1, T2, T
and frequency. Also be able to use these to find values for R1, R2 and/or
- Be
able to find the equation for duty cycle and understand how it is related
to the resistor values.
- Be
able to recognize the output plots for pins 3(output), 2(trigger),
6(threshold) and 7(discharge). Also know the pin names.
- Be
able to sketch the output (3), the capacitor voltage (2,6), and the
discharge (pin 7) of a 555-timer circuit in astable
mode vs. time. If you are given values for R1, R2, C and the source
voltage, you should know the voltage range of the signals at pin (2,6) and
3. You also be able to estimate the signal at pin 7.
- Be
able to find the decay constant for the charge and discharge cycles of the
capacitor in the astable miode
- Understand
how the pulses from an astable multivibrator circuit can be used to do pulse width
Question 2 -- Combinational
Logic Circuits
- Be
able to identify the following logic gates: AND, OR, NAND, NOR, XOR (EOR),
- Know
the truth tables for the following logic gates with up to four inputs:
- Be
able to draw a truth table or timing diagram for a digital circuit.
- Be
able to recognize or sketch the output timing
diagram of a digital circuit.
- Know
the PSpice conventions for naming the input and
output pins of logic gates.
- Be
able to use Boolean algebra to describe the overall or relative function
of a digital circuit.
- Be
able to simplify simple Boolean algebra expressions.
- Be
able to name a NAND gate or other circuit as equivalent to one of the
logic gates above.
Question 3 -- Sequential Logic
- Be
able to identify or sketch the output of a counter or a J-K flip-flop.
- Be
able to draw a truth table for a J-K flip-flop.
- Understand
how a flip-flop can be used as a memory device.
- Understand
how many bits each counter has, what behavior each bit exhibits, and how
to string counters together to count higher.
- Know
what the function of the clock is in the flip flop and counter.
- Understand
the effect of clock pulse timing can have on flip-flop outcome.
- Understand
the function of the clear signal to counters and flip-flops.
- Know
what a race condition is and how to prevent one.
- Understand
how to string flip-flops together to make a counter.
- Be
able to recognize or sketch the output timing
diagram of a sequential logic circuit given the clock signal.
- Understand
what a clock is and what it looks like in PSpice.
Question 4 -- Schmitt Triggers
and Comparators
- Understand
the difference in function between a comparator and a Schmitt trigger in
the presence of noise.
- Be
able to sketch the output from a comparator and Schmitt trigger from a
given input.
- Be
able to identify the point at which a Schmitt trigger will switch when
voltage is increasing and decreasing.
- Be
able to define hysteresis.
- Understand
the relationship between hysteresis and when a Schmitt trigger switches.
- Understand
the model of a Schmitt trigger explained in class and in your book. Be
able to find the switching thresholds and hysteresis of a circuit using
this model.
- Be
able to determine hysteresis of a Schmitt trigger from a plot of Vin vs. Vout and/or Vout vs. time.
- Understand
what saturation of an op-amp is and how it relates to the function of
comparators and Schmitt triggers.
- Be
able to recognize, identify, and sketch traces from comparators and
Schmitt triggers.
- Be
able to calculate voltages at different points in a switching circuit with
comparators and Schmitt triggers.
Question 5 -- Switching Circuits
- Know
how to model a transistor as a switch.
- Know how
to draw the "diode" model of a transistor.
- Be
able to define and identify the base, emitter and collector of a
- Be
able to recognize, identify, and sketch traces from a simple circuit
involving transistors, comparators, Schmitt triggers and/or relays.
- Be
able to redraw a simple circuit using the switch or diode model of a
- Be
able to redraw and analyze a circuit when a relay is in either position.
- Be
able to calculate voltages at different points in a simple switching
- Be
able to identify a combinational logic gate given a simple transistor
Digital skills
- Know
which voltage levels correspond to ON and OFF in Digital Electronics.
- Review
the binary numbering system.
- Be
able to convert between decimal and binary and back.
Quiz 3 Sample Questions
Quiz 3 Samples
Review Sessions
The class
before the quiz - we will solve a test that has some similarities to the quiz
you will take.
Crib Sheet
following crib sheet will be provided. You will also receive a copy of the
crib sheets for quizzes 1 and 2.
4 Spring 2009 solution
4 Fall 2008 solution
4 Spring 2008 solution
4 Fall 2007 solution
Five Questions
each worth about 20 points
Questions 1 and 2 -- Diodes: Rectifier Circuits and Limiter Circuits
- Understand
the i-v characteristic curve for diodes (and Zener
diodes). Know the terminology and characteristics.
- Be
able to recognize full-wave rectifiers, half-wave rectifiers, smoothing
circuits, regulators and limiters (clippers) from their circuits or
characteristic plots.
- Understand
the effect that the threshold voltage of the diode(s) has on output of the
above circuits.
- Understand
how the output of the above circuits would look for signals with input
voltages of different amplitudes.
- Be
able to sketch a plot of the output voltage vs. the input voltage for the
above circuits.
Question 3 -- Zener Diodes
- Understand
the effect Zener diodes have in a limiter or
voltage regulator.
- Know
how to interpret output plots for inputs of different voltage levels in
circuits involving Zener diodes.
- Be
able to determine output voltage levels for different input voltages in a Zener diode circuit.
- Understand
the i-v characteristic curve for and Zener
diodes. Know the terminology and characteristics.
- Be
able to approximately reproduce or identify the plots Zener
diode voltage regulation. Note that both DC sweep and transient analysis
were asked for.
Question 4 -- LEDs and Phototransistor Circuits
- Understand
the proper configuration of LEDs in circuits and
how they operate.
- Understand
the proper configuration of phototransistors in circuits and their
- Be
able to calculate voltages and currents in circuits containing these
Question 5 -- Circuit
Functionality: Signal Modulation and Filtering
- Be
able to identify blocks in a circuit.
- Circuit
blocks you have seen
- Basic
Circuits (voltage dividers, components in series and in parallel,
resistance bridges)
- Filters
(low pass, high pass, band pass, band reject)
- Transformers
- Op-Amp
Amplifiers (inverting, non-inverting, adder, differential)
- Voltage
followers (also called buffers)
- Op-Amp
integrators and differentiators
- 555-Timer
(astable, monostable,
- Logic
gates (AND, NAND, OR, NOR, XOR, XNOR. NOT) sequential logic (counters
and flip flops)
- Comparators
and Schmitt triggers
- Transistors
- Diodes
(half wave rectifier, full wave rectifier, limiter, regulation)
- Zener diodes (limiter, voltage regulation)
- Voltage
sources (DC, AC, square waves, triangular waves)
- Miscellaneous
(dc-blocking capacitors, by-pass capacitors, speakers)
- Be
able to identify blocks identify or infer the output of a circuit block
given the input.
- Be
able to determine the behavior of a circuit block. (ie.
This block is an inverting amplifier. The feedback resistor is 20k. The
input resistor is 1K. It will invert the input and multiply it by a factor
of 20.)
- Be
able to infer how a circuit block will behave at certain frequencies.
(i.e. I know the corner frequency of this low pass filter is fc=1/(2pRC).
If I substitute in the component values I get fc
= 5K Hz. If the input frequency is 20K hertz, the filter should block the
input entirely and the output should be zero. If the input frequency is 1K
Hz, the filter should allow the input to pass and the output will be equal
to the input.)
Quiz 4 Sample Questions
Quiz 4 Samples
Review Sessions
The class before the quiz - we
will solve a test that has some similarities to the quiz you will take.
Crib Sheet
following crib sheet will be provided. You will also receive a copy of the
crib sheets for quizzes 1-3.