There is an additional set of webpages available through LMS where copies of Class Notes and Lecture Slides can be found. The lecture slides are also available on the References page. In addition, the online Lecture Quizzes are available there for approximately a day and a half after each lecture.
Fields Textbooks
- Electromagnetic Fields and Energy -- Text and Demos from Haus and Melcher
- Electromagnetic Field Theory: a problem solving approach -- Text from Markus Zahn [PDF - 22000k]
- MIT Open Course 6.013 Fall 2005 Electromagnetics and Applications (Zahn)
- MIT Open Course 6.641 Spring 2005 Electromagnetic Fields, Forces and Motion (Zahn)
- MIT Open Course 6.642 Fall 2004 Continuum Electromechanics (Zahn)
- Electromagnetic Field Theory - Bo Thide [PDF - 1,118k]
- Electromagnetic Waves and Antennas -- Text by Sophocles Orfanidis
OrCAD PSpice
- PSpice Capture 9.1 (Does not work well with Vista or 7, but usually can be made to work using compatibility to tell Vista or 7 that it is an XP executable.) About 27MB
- PSpice Capture 10.5 Demo About 269MB (Large, but usually works)
- PSpice Capture 16 Demo (Very large, but works well with Vista and 7) About 685MB
Simulation and Analysis Tools
- Amanogawa Incredibly useful for all aspects of transmission lines (steady-state and transient)
- MegaConverter (I recommend that you use MegaConverter 2) There is lots of conversion stuff here, but maybe the most useful is the one for Wire Resistance.
- Impendance Calculators from Mantaro
- PCB Impedance and Capacitance Calculator from
- PCB Trace Impedance Calculator from PCB123
- Tools and Calculators from
- Microstrip Analysis/Synthesis Calculator from SourceForge
- Many tools can be found by searching on 'microstrip' or 'stripline.'
Other Fields Courses
- Not yet available
Old Messages
- The review materials for Quiz 2 are available as videos on the LMS site under learning modules. (4 Nov) Note that problem 5b of Quiz 2 from Spring 2008 has an error in it, although the answer is correct. (2 Nov)
- A small change was made in HW7. Note that HW9 is also posted since it is a review for the final. (17 Nov)
- The due date for Project 2 is now 23 November. (10 Nov)
- HW6 is posted. Note that there is an Excel file with this assignment. (31 Oct) Some small additions were made to clarify dimensions. (2 Nov)
- HW5 is fully posted. Some additional hints will be provided during lecture on Monday. (25 Oct) An additional example has been posted with the assignment and an email sent to all students with additional hints.(27 Oct)
- Recently, I asked James Manchester at Time-Warner what kind of ideal background he looks for in a hire. His response:
Fields and Waves I & II, Probability for Engineering Applications, Communication Systems, Stochastic Processes, Information Theory, Financial Management (emphasis on Capital Budgeting), Thermodynamics, Power Engineering, a course that specifically deals with HVAC and Power design for high availability. Computer Systems and Microelectronic courses can be avoided. (10/6) - A note on coordinate conversions has bee added to the References page. (10/6)
- Project 1 has been posted on the Handouts page. Note that the due date is 9 October, not 1 October as originally posted on this assignment. (9/29) Info on finding the resistance per unit length from attenuation data is now on the Projects page.
- Some additional information has been posted for HW2 on the Handouts page. Also, the point total for Lecture 4 Quiz has been corrected. (9/15)
- The Comments on Lossless Transmission Lines have been updated again to show how to use the time delay to find the input impedance. (9/15)
- The course syllabus is now posted. (9/14)
- We will use laptops during Monday's lecture. The first part of HW2 was posted on the Handout page on Friday. The complete assignment was posted Sunday. We will work on part of HW2 during Monday's lecture. (9/13)
- Andre-Marie Ampere 20 January 1775 in Lyon, France
- Charles-Augustin de Coulomb 14 June 1736 in Angouleme , France
- Michael Faraday 22 September 1791 in London, England
- Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss 30 April 1777 in Braunschweig , Germany
- Joseph Henry 17 December 1797 in Albany, New York
- Heinrich Rudolf Hertz 22 February 1857 Hamburg , Germany
- James Clerk Maxwell 13 June 1831 in Edinburgh, Scotland
- Hans Christian Orsted 14 August 1777 in Rudkobing , Denmark