- Helpful Hints for Lab Exercises
- Pulses on Transmission Lines -- Setting up the Function Generator
- Capturing Data -- Setting up Agilent Intuilink
- Some Fields' Concepts
- Why Study Electromagnetics From Alan Taflove, Northwestern University
- Variation of capacitance -- a discussion of a student's question.
- Variation of fields at large distances from sources-- discussion of a student's question .
- How to use Gauss' Law to solve for electric fields.
- Some Calculus Review based on the divergence theorem.
- Solving Laplace's Equation Using a Spreadsheet . Please also read the discussion in the classnotes on pages V-27 thru V-33.
- Examples of Standing Wave Patterns
- Comparison of Transmission Lines and Plane Waves
- Simulation of Microwave Heating
- Supplemental reading on Refrigerator Magnets , and Magnetic Pressure
- Appendices from Orfanidis' Online E&M Book (Rutgers)
- Capacitance -- An Overview from (rather chatty)
- A Quick Note on Coordinate Conversions
- YouTube Offerings
- Transmission Lines
- Principles of Transmission Lines from TPub from their online Naval Electrical Engineering Training Series module on Introduction to Wave Propagation, Transmission Lines and Antennas
- Speaker Wire -- An Excellent Discussion by Roger Russell
- Pulses on Transmission Lines from Missouri EMC Lab
- Pulse Template Measurement from MAXIM-IC
- Pulses on Transmission Lines Analyzed Using a Lattice Diagram from Georgia Tech.
- Notes on the Lumped Line used in Class
- Lumped Parameter Transmission Lines -- some notes on the general theory of delay or lumped parameter lines. Note -- parts of this file do not display properly due to font problems. A new version needs to be developed. However, it may still be useful to read as is.
- Finding the inductance of two-wire and parallel plate striplines The text book addresses these configurations somewhat obliquely, so here is a more direct calculation.
- Transmission Lines from the Educypedia
- Transmission Lines from All About Circuits
- Transmission Line Applications in PSpice from Cadence (very thorough)
- Transmission Lines from, most of the page is dedicated to Smith Charts
- Analog E&M Voice Signaling Overview from Cisco
- Physics Lab on T-Lines from Delaware
- All About Transmission Lines from Luxorion
- Skin Effect and Internal Impedance of Wires from The Scots Guide to Electronics
- Transmission Line and RF Info from Bessernet
- Signal Integrity (An Outstanding Topic to Learn About Before Job Interviews)
- Signal Integrity Basics from Anritsu (Test and Measurement)
- The Basics of Signal Integrity from Altera (Programmable Logic)
- Signal Inegrity from Xilinx (Programmable Logic)
- Signal Integrity from Wikipedia
- Electric and Magnetic Material Properties
- Dielectric Constants Chart from ASI Instruments
- Dielectric Constants Reference Guide from Clipper Controls
- Dielectric Constants from Hyperphysics
- Dielectric Constants of Various Materials from CGSNetwork
- Dielectric Constants from TPub
- General References from Online Sources
- Eddy-Current Magnetic Levitation - Thompson [PDF - 204k]
- Understanding EM Fields and Antenna Radiation Takes (almost) No Math [PDF - 215k]
- Inductance Calculation Techniques- Part 1: Classical Methods - Thompson [PDF - 168k]
- Inductance Calculation Techniques- Part 2: Approximations and Handbook Methods - Thompson [PDF - 174k]
- Lumped Parameter Models for Single and Multiple Layer Inductors [PDF - 492k]
- Multilayer Coil Equation [PDF - 4k]
- Computationally Winding Loss Calculation - Sullivan, IEEE [PDF - 145k]
- Capacitors: EET 101 Circuit Analysis - Svatik [PDF - 27k]
- Stray Capacitance of Single-Layer Solenoid Air-Core Inductors - IEEE [PDF - 169k]
- RFID Antenna Design from Microchip [PDF - 1017k]
- The Complex Dielectric Constant from Pure and Seawater from Microwave Satellite Observations by Meissner and Wentz.
- Electronics Tutorials from Williamson Labs
- Intro to Power Electronics from U of Colorado, includes good materials on magnetics, inductors, transformers.
- Magnetics Design Handbook from TI
- Numerical Methods
- Numerical Modeling Tools from Missouri EMC Lab
- Comsol Model Gallery and their Multi-Physics Simulation Environment (beautiful pictures)
- Magsoft Corporation
- B2Spice from Beige Bag Software, includes a lot of good Case Studies
- Matlab Materials
- There are several Matlab M-Files used during class (in lessons, homework and projects). These can now be downloaded from an m-file web site. This site is just a listing of files with no explanations.
- Matlab Information (Tutorials, etc)
- A Practical Intruduction to Matlab by Mark Gockenbach of Michigan Tech
- Matlab Primer by Kermit Sigmon of Florida
- Matlab Information from the CMU CS Dept
- Using Matlab for Control System Design by John Wen of RPI
- Matlab Primer a chapter from Numerical Analysis and Graphic Visualization with Matlab by Shoichiro Nakamura
- Getting Started with Matlab by Clinton Wolfe at Indiana
- Matlab Overview and Getting Started with Matlab from Mathworks
- Doug's MATLAB Video Tutorials blog from MATLAB Central
- Basic Matlab Overview from R. Longoria at Texas
- Matlab Info from Jens Karlsson at Georgia Tech
- Intro to Matlab from Raymond Adomaitis at Maryland
- Hints and Tricks from Woods Hole
- Music
- Songs about electricity and magnetism (Haverford College) -- The Ampere's Law song is especially good
- Maxwell's Equations songs ( Lynda Williams, The Physics Chanteuse)
- YouTube Theremin Music
- Autumn Leaves by Pamelia Kurstin Another View
- Claire de Lune by Lydia Kavina
- BBC Report on the Theremin
- Skin Effect (Helpful references)
- Modeling skin effect from EDN, also available from the author in PR for his signal integrity seminars
- Internal effects and types of wire from Scotts Guide
- Skin Effect and Spice from Wheeler
- Skin Effect and Spice Models from EDN
- Interconnect and Packaging: Skin Effect from UCSD
- Power Loss in Wound Components from the TSU Advisor at Surrey
- Java Applets written by Adam Traidman for Prof. Crowley
- Powerpoint Slides
- Smith Chart Introduction slides .
- Prof. Michael's Lectures for the studio version of Fields & Waves I (New Numbering System)
- Prof. Michael's Lectures for Lessons 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the studio version of FWI (Old Numbering System)
- Prof. Connor's Lectures for the combined lecture, studio version of Fields & Waves I
- Earth's Magnetic Field
- Magnetic Field Models from NASA.
- The Earth's Magnetic Field from the University of Tennessee at Knoxville.
- Electroscope Information
- Electroscope from the Exploratorium
- Simple Electroscope from the Boston Museum of Science
- Gold Leaf Electroscope from NIST
- Grounding a Positively-Charged Electroscope from Glenbrook South High School
- Schematic Electroscope from Think Quest.
- Balloon Electroscope from the University of Virginia.
- Electroscope (with a movie) from the University of Kentucky.
- Electrostatics from the Kentucky Network.
- Extension Cord Engineering
- Proper Use and Storage from This Old House
- Extension Cords from Wikipedia
- Power Requirements for Light Shows from
- Voltage Drop from Mike Holt
- Introduction to Sensors -- Charles D.H. Williams from the University of Exeter
- MegaConverter -- (I recommend that you use MegaConverter 2) There is lots of conversion stuff here, but maybe the most useful is the one for Wire Resistance.
- Aurora information from Michigan Tech.
- SETI@home -- Help search for extraterestrial intelligence.
- Math & Physics Applets and other resources from Paul Falstad
- Iridium Flare Information from Heavens Above . A very useful page which tells you how to see the very bright flares from the Iridium satellites. You can select from the thousands of locations to observe the flares or you can input the exact lattitude and longitude of your house or wherever you wish to observe them. To obtain your location to several significant digits go to the Etak Geocoding products and services webpage.
- RF Cafe , a collection of RF and microwave engineering material from Waypoint Software.
- Wire and Cable Information from the Electronic Instrumentation webpage.
- Two interesting educational sites: Electromagnetic Fields and Waves a course from Iowa State (click on the topics in the class schedule) and Physlets Java Applets from Webphysics at Davidson (try the Java 1.1 button and then BField4).
- Cable TV Information
- RF Attenuators, Filters, & DC Blockers from HomeTech
- Channel Vision
- CATV Channel Frequencies from the American Radio Relay League
- CATV Channel Frequencies from Cable Addicts Broadband Lounge
- CATV Cables
- RPI Campus Channels 2008
- Impedance Matching Information
- Impedance Matching from
- Lunar Eclipse Information
- 20 Feb 2008 Eclipse from the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada
- Same Eclipse from Science Daily
- Fields and Waves Studio Java Applets
- Electromagnetic Compatibility Laboratory at the University of Missouri-Rolla
- Gallery of Electromagnetic Personalities (A Vignette History of Electromagnetics)
- Introduction to the Electron Beam Ion Trap project at NIST
- NRL Plasma Formulary
- Physics Tutorials from University of Guelph Tutorials on Torque and Rotational Motion, DC circuits, Free-body diagrams, exponential growth and decay, simple harmonic motion, biophysics. Simulations of diffusion, radiation.
- Physics-2000: JAVA Applets and virtual physics
- US Frequency Allocation Chart
- No Frills Technical Links page